The number of brownfields by city parts
The number of brownfields by city parts
Events in Bratislava organized by urban organizations over the past 5 years
Events in Bratislava organized by urban organizations over the past 5 years
Public lighting electricity consumption for the last 16 years (total power in kW)
Public lighting electricity consumption for the last 16 years (total power in kW)
Repair of public lighting masts over the past 12
Repair of public lighting masts over the past 12
Investment Expenditure on Social Care Over the past 10 years (program Social Assistance and Social Services)
Social Care Investment Expenditure Over the past 10 years (program Social Assistance and Social Services) - Final accounts - Capital expenses. The Social Assistance and Social Services program includes: activities related to the security of social care for seniors through social facilities, which is the capital of which is the capital, assistance to citizens in the unfavorable social situation at risk of social exclusion, support social programs for selected groups of residents.
Number of cooperation in international organizations in the last 5 years
Number of cooperation in international organizations in the last 5 years
The number of officially accepted foreign delegations over the past 5 years
The number of officially accepted foreign delegations over the past 5 years
Number of Visits of Ambassadors and Diplomatic Corps members over the past 5 years
Number of Visits of Ambassadors and Diplomatic Corps members over the past 5 years
Number of cooperating partner cities over the past 5 years
Number of cooperating partner cities over the past 5 years
Number of automated urban road management systems over the past 4 years
Number of automated urban road management systems over the past 4 years
Building state of bridges over the past three years
Building state of bridges over the past three years
Cleaning bridges in euros for the past three years
Cleaning bridges in euros for the past three years

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